Past Projects

Tom’s Table

A few weeks ago, my partner and I headed to an Estate Auction to see what we could score. We got there, parked the truck (probably illegally – I’m pretty sure we were too close to a fire hydrant) and looked around. There were a few pieces that I had intended to bid on, but nothing that I absolutley loved. As the sun beat down on us, I looked at the tables upon tables of smalls that would probably take forever to get through, I thought of the sketchy parking spot we were in, and I looked at my partner who I knew was only there because he loves me.

We ended up leaving to find some local thrift stores instead. As we walked the aisles, I passed this hand-painted table and stopped.

It was so homely (almost as bad as the carpet in our workshop – after dropping a gallon of paint on the floor once, I was happy that we never replaced it. I was more upset over the loss of paint than the damage to the carpet.). I knew I had to save this poor hand-made table by Tom. It was only a few dollars and I figured it would only require minor touches for a quick fix.

After some trim to hide a raw edge and a decorative wood applique, I gave it a few coats of Dixie Belle Vintage Duck Egg with a little white wax, I think it looks much better.

Lighthouse Basket

I found this basket at a garage sale a couple weeks ago and knew I could update it pretty quick. As much as I like lighthouses and anything that has to do with the sea, the overall look seemed a bit dated to me.

A couple coats of Dixie Belle Buttercream, and I replaced the lighthouses with a band of DB Vintage Duck Egg. I added a bit of light distressing with 220 sandpaper, and sewed a lining for it using green ticking fabric for a little extra flair.

I’m a sucker for ticking. You’ll see.

Forgotten Dresser

This dresser was in rough shape. It was found in a rough-looking shed that I swear was leaning to one side and sold to me for about a few dollars. I ended up getting a few things from that shed and offered him twenty dollars for the lot.

The veneer was so dry and brittle, most of it ended up having to come off because there was no fixing it. Then I sanded and painted the whole piece. It came with a mirror that has that patina mirrors get naturally with age, but due to the busted frame it came separate.

Here it is after a few coats of chalk paint (and the mirror after fixing the frame), and updated hardware.

Sidenote – I have an ongoing love affair with hardware. Even if you do nothing else to a piece, adding some updated hardware can still transform just about anything.

There’s just a few of the projects I’ve been working on since I decided to get back into it.

My Next Project

Come back soon to see what I did with this tray…

See it here now

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